Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Van Rensburg Avenue

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Took the students to Van Rensburg Avenue
today to go and see how the fire breaks were cut on the road. The students also took the opportunity to do a little monitoring of the local wildlife, one of the unit standards they had to cover.
Seeing the variety of birds there where the bulldozer pushed over trees was amazing to see. The birds were all there for the insects that were exposed as well as seeds that would have been thrown on the ground.
The reason for the wide firebreak being cut on Van Rensburg Avenue is so that in the event of a fire coming through there, there is a lot of space to get our vehicles in and fight the fire.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fire Spotting

Sunday 12 June 2011 & Monday 13 June 2011
My working weekend revolved mainly around one thing, fire spotting. Having a radio on me the whole weekend proved to be of vital importance as on Sunday and Monday was able to report a number of fires to Sieg who then asked me to drive out to the Highway bridge to spot the area in which the fires occurred. On Sunday I just went to the bridge to spot a fire that was in the Radium area, so it was quite far off and with minimal wind was not really a major threat to Sondela. On Monday there were a couple of fires that were of concern. The first one was in the Bela Bela area so was far from the farm, the other was in the area of the plots so I was sent into the plots by Sieg to see what I could find, after driving throughout the plots I found nothing much so with any danger averted I returned to the farm, where on the Caravan Park road I found 2 beautiful Kudu bulls, an Eland and to my utter surprise, a Gemsbok.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fire Meeting with the managers

Friday 10 June 2011
Was requested during welcoming by Sieg to join him and Justin in the fire meeting. It was very interesting to be the only student to sit in with all the managers. The meeting went about the evacuation points found around the farm, and how to make it easier to find the evacuation areas. Also we discussed the availability and location of the water points on the farm, where we still need fire breaks, the entire Sondela fire sector. One of the important things discussed was the role of the second year students with regards to fighting fire, so all in all it was very informative and interesting to listen in on the managers views regarding the fire season.


Thursday 9 June 2011
Went with Vaaitjie, Sieg and Willem (the vet) to dart animals. This was good for our Harvesting of fauna unit standard. The initial plan was to catch Kudu Bulls but we were unable to find any on the 400 hectare. So we went then to the chalet area to catch Nyalas. Sieg and Willem darted the animals, then we went in to ensure the animals were okay while Willem injected them. The Nyala bull that we caught managed to survive but the young Nyala that we caught unfortunately passed away. We then took the Nyala to the wildlife center where we put it into a boma before reviving him.

Amipor Pressure Plates

Wednesday 8 June 2011
Myself and J.P, as well as of our first year student went out to check the dip applicators and pressure plates around the farm. These checks were important for our Unit Standards about controlling non dangerous damage causing animals. We went to the dip applicator at Makhato 3 to set it to an effective level so as the Kudus could eat the salt blocks and be dipped with Amipor, a tick controlling poison. Karen and Moira were the two students with us at Makhato 3 and then at the dam at Main Gate. At the Main Gate dam we went to fix the pressure plates to ensure maximum efficiency, as well as cut branches to secure the boma around the dam, this was done to ensure the animals walk on the pressure plates, and get sprayed with Amipor. We were interrupted by rain during the precedings, which led to me taking guests back to their chalet. In the afternoon, myself, J.P, Elani and Sanet went to the Tambuki area to check the dip applicator, where we found Kudu feeding, which showed us that the dip applicators are working. Thereafter we went to Tambuki dam to fix the pressure plate there as well as cut Sickle-bush for the boma around the dam there.

Tuesday 7th June 2011

Fire Alarms
Our Tuesday morning began with a fire alarm, a fire had been spotted across the highway. The students all gathered outside the maintainence store, where they packed out the fire equipment for the more experienced fire fighters. The Buffel & the bakkie went out to the fire, which the fighters managed to contain relatively fast. The wind was strong but was blowing away from Sondela which was also a massive advantage for us. I was told to make a roster of all the students helping out at the fire store to ensure that once the fire was put out, that all the students were accounted for. The first years finally got their first taste of what the processes are for a real fire. With every new experience they get to learn just a little more and will be able to react faster, after all when it comes to fire fighting, time is of the essence. Once all the equipment and vehicles were back, it was then just checking the vehicles and equipment, ensuring everything was clean and in working order.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fire Equipment

Thursday 2nd June 2011
Was asked today by Sieg to set up a rosterfor the fire equipment checks. So firstly took 2 first years with me to go show them how to do the fire equipment checks, we made sure that the Water tankers were operational & full, and that the tractors were starting & operational. Thereafter I took them into the fire store to make sure all the clothing was there, that they were neatly hung up, & that it was easy to access them in the event of a fire. I showed the first years how to check and pack the masks, then check the back pack sprayers, ensuring they were full & operational. Thereafer, I set up a roster including one second year & 2 first years for the rest of June to check the equipment to ensure that in the event of a fire, the equipment is ready to fight. The roster & checklist will also be put into my POE as evidence under my Operate a veld burn Unit Standard.